  • Konferencija_Rmsko_preduzetnistvo_03.jpgDate start 08.12.2016.

    Conference “Roma Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Perspectives”

    The conference “Roma Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Perspectives” will be organized on 15 December 2016 in Belgrade, Hotel Zira at 10h. The conference is organized by the Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER) and Yurom Centre, in partnership with the German – Serbian Development Cooperation implemented by GIZ (Deutsche Gesells...

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  • 15319147_996462970499876_6272923471363260714_n.jpgDate start 07.12.2016.

    The study "Do we live better?" presented in Pristina

    Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER) presented the study "Do we live better?", which is a result of the research conducted within the project "Impact of investments in the North Kosovo after the Brussels Agreement – do we live better?". The project was implemented in cooperation with RTV MIR from Leposavic, and funded by the Ko...

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  • Da_li_zivimo_bolje.jpgDate start 02.12.2016.

    Presentation of the study "Do we live better?"

    Institute for Territorial Economic development (InTER) and RTV MIR organize a presentation of the policy paper "Do we live better?", which analyze effects of the financial assistance to the North Kosovo municipalities after the Brussels Agreement. The study was financed by the Kosovo Foundation for Open Society (KFOS).

    The presentation will be he...

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  • image_0_02_05_3a407e26cebc13e27bd4b0fc3c819440d7824b9d62f7ee12b6968eb9e6854b2c_V.jpgDate start 02.12.2016.

    Round table “Roma Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Perspectives”

    On 2 December 2016, Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER) and YUROM Centre organized a round table in Niš within the project “Roma Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Perspectives”, financed by the Open Society Institute from Budapest. At the round table, there were around 20 participants from different institutions supporting entr...

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