First meeting of the Working Group for Chapter 35 of the National Convention on the EU

Release date: 18.05.2015.
Convent_Kosovo.jpg On Monday, 18 May 2015, the first meeting was organized of the National Convention on the European Union’s Working Group for chapter 35 and the representatives of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija of the Government of Serbia. Representatives of the non-governmental organizations participating in this Working Group had an opportunity to talk to Marko Djuric and other representatives of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija about many open issues regarding the negotiating chapter 35, as well as the negotiation process between Belgrade and Pristina within the Brussels Agreement.

InTER participates in five Working Groups of the National Convention on the EU, for negotiating chapters: 8. Competition policy; 11. Agriculture and rural development; 20. Enterprise and industrial policy; Regional policy and coordination of structural instruments; and 35. Kosovo and other issues. More about the National Convention on the EU can be found at