Fourth meeting of the Working Group for Chapter 22 of the National Convention on the EU

Release date: 22.01.2016.
NKEU.jpg On Friday, January 22, 2016, InTER participated at the fourth meeting of the Working Group for Chapter 22 – Regional Policy and Coordination of Structural Instruments organised in Belgrade. The meeting was focused on the preparation of the Action Plan for Chapter 22.

Аnа Ilić, Deputy Director of the Serbian European Integration Office presented the main steps in the preparation of the Action Plan for Chapter 22, which will be the precondition to open negotiations on this Chapter. Working Group members discussed the key elements of the Action Plan by different fields – legal framework, institutional framework, administrative capacities, programming, monitoring and evaluation, financial management and control. It was especially underlined that a clear strategic development framework was necessary, i.e. it was necessary to initiate the discussion about priorities for national development and regional development policy.

The plan is to prepare the draft Action Plan for Chapter 22 until April 2016, when broader consultations are planned with interested parties.