Press release: closing the project “Climbing on Berim Rocks - Dare to Imagine”

Release date: 02.02.2016.
Pecat_Via_Ferrata.png Implementation of the Project “Climbing on Berim Rocks – Dare to Imagine” was finished on the last day of January. The Project aimed at contributing to socio-economic development and conditions for job creation which would reduce poverty in rural areas of the municipality of Zubin Potok. Specifically, the Project was focused on developing and promoting new products for active tourism in the municipality of Zubin Potok which would promote this municipality as an attractive tourist destination.

The following results have been achieved within the Project:

•    We built Via Ferrata on Berim rocks, a new tourist product which we hope will attract a large number of tourists in the following years;
•    We constructed 10 free climbing routes;
•    We purchased 15 sets of climbing equipment necessary for Via Ferrata;
•    We constructed a logistic camp at the foot of Berim;
•    We organised a training for future Via Ferrata guides;
•    We organised a mountain race: Gazivode - Mokra Gora;
•    We produced a movie "Via Ferrata Berim – Dare to Imagine";
•    We redesigned and printed a Zubin Potok Tourist Map;
•    We organised a photo exhibition and a presentation of project results in Zubin Potok, Leposavic, Pristina, Gracanica, Zvecana and Mitrovica North.
•    As a part of project promotion, we also placed 6 billboards, printed and distributed promotional materials about Via Ferrata and redesigned the website We also published 10 press releases and raised significant interest of the media in our activities and Zubin Potok tourism development in general.

The Project "Climbing on Berim Rocks – Dare to Imagine" was implemented by the Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER), in cooperation with the Municipality of Zubin Potok and Outdoor In. Total project value was 66,950 EUR, of which 59,950 EUR was financed by the Embassy of Finland, and 7,000 EUR by InTER. Municipality of Zubin Potok supported the project implementation through the reconstruction of the road to Via Ferrata and support to the organisation of the mountain race: Gazivode - Mokra Gora. The Project was also supported by the Swiss Project PPSE/Swisscontact which hired experts from the Belgrade Alpinist Department to develop technical documentation for construction of Via Ferrata and inspect the works on this tourist product. The Project duration was 11 months, from March 1, 2015 to January 31, 2016. Photos showing different stages in the project implementation can be found on Outdoor In Facebook page.

InTER wants to thank all donors, project partners, volunteers, media, non-governmental organisations, sport clubs, companies and individuals who contributed to the successful project implementation. We hope to continue successful cooperation in a new initiative that will contribute to socio-economic territorial development of municipalities in the north of Kosovo, and Western Balkans in general.