Press release: "Let’s do tourism together" project launched

Release date: 20.04.2016.
13051609_841039852708856_2244298799065346550_n.jpg Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER) and Outdoor In have launched a new tourism development project in the Municipality of Zubin Potok: "Let’s do tourism together". The project implementation started on 15 April 2016, with the duration of seven months, and it is implemented within the Fund for Local Cooperation of the Embassy of Finland.

The Project is a continuation of the initiative for development of active tourism and its goal is to further improve tourism facilities in the Municipality of Zubin Potok and thus contribute to economic strengthening of the population in rural areas of the municipality. For that purpose, the project will develop tourist packages integrating tourist facilities with households from rural areas and organize production of souvenirs that will be included in the tourism offer of Ibarski Kolasin. The project will also work on promotion of mountain biking as a new tourist attraction, and on the organization of tourism and sports events.

All interested organizations, mountaineering associations, outdoor sports clubs, NGOs, tourist agencies, companies and citizens are invited to join us in the project implementation and this way to get involved in tourism development in Ibarski Kolasin.