Press Release: Government of Kosovo allocated more than 15 million Euro for capital projects in the North Kosovo municipalities

Release date: 01.07.2016.
InTER_Logo.jpg In 2015, the Government of Kosovo allocated 15,170,000 Euro for financing 146 capital projects in four municipalities in North Kosovo, which was included in the last year’s budget.
According to the research conducted by the Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER) and Radio Television Mir, the only municipality which implemented all planned projects is Zubin Potok, spending 3,058,389 Euro for 37 projects.

The next municipality by the share of implemented projects is Zvečan, which completely implemented 48.6% projects, out of planned 37 projects, and spent 2,165,963 Euro so far. Municipality of North Mitrovica has planned 23 capital projects last year, with total value of 4,990,800 Euro, and so far they have spent around 2 million Euro for finished projects and those currently ongoing. Municipality of Leposavić has the lowest implementation score, even though they had the most project proposals (49), with total value of 4,858,955 Eur. So far, they have implemented only 21.3% of the planned capital investments.

The projects are funded from eight relevant ministries of the Kosovo Government: Ministry of Infrastructure; Ministry of Health; Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports; Ministry of Education, Science and Technology; Ministry of Labour and Social Care; Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning; Ministry of Community and Return and Ministry of Administration and Local Self-government. Most frequent sectors in the planned projects of local self-governments in the north are: Transportation – 4,277,855 Euro, Social care – 2,560,000 Euro, Education – 2,194,870 Euro and Youth, sports and recreation – 1,770,610 Euro.

Data about capital projects funded by the Government of Kosovo in the northern municipalities have been collected within the project “Impact of investments in the North Kosovo after the Brussels Agreement – do we live better?", implemented by the Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER) in cooperation with RTV Mir, and financed by Kosovo Foundation for Open Society (KFOS). The project is implemented between 15 January and 15 July.