Press release: Training for Tourist Guide and Rescue Services on Via Ferrata Berim

Release date: 15.11.2016.
InTER_Logo.jpg Within the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives, Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER) and Outdoor In recently launched a new project in the field of active tourism development in Zubin Potok municipality, called “Strengthening the capacities of youth from Kosovo for providing tourist guiding and rescuing services on Via Ferrata Berim”. The Project has started at the beginning of November 2016 and will last until the end of February 2017.

The project aims to increase youth employability through specialized trainings for tourist guiding and rescue services on Via Ferrata Berim. In that regard the project will organize a serial of trainings, clustered in three blocks each lasting for five days. The trainings will be delivered by experienced experts in rock climbing, Via Ferrata tour guides, rescue operations and first-aid. Besides, as a part of the project, there will be organized a rescue drill on Via Ferrata Berim, which will increase safety on this tourist product. The project also aims to strengthen cooperation with NGO Marimangat from Peja/Peć that provide tourist guide services on Via Ferrata in Rugova Gorge, as well as with other organizations, climbing and rescue clubs from the Western Balkans.
All interested youth (regardless of gender) are invited to join the training that will be organized within the project. Candidates that successfully pass all trainings will be offered to get engaged in tourist guiding and rescue services on Via Ferrata Berim and other tourist destinations in Ibarski Kolasin.

More information on terms and dates for participation at trainings will be published on our website and on Outdoor In Facebook page.


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