The study "Do we live better?" presented in Pristina

Release date: 07.12.2016.
15319147_996462970499876_6272923471363260714_n.jpg Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER) presented the study "Do we live better?", which is a result of the research conducted within the project "Impact of investments in the North Kosovo after the Brussels Agreement – do we live better?". The project was implemented in cooperation with RTV MIR from Leposavic, and funded by the Kosovo Foundation for Open Society (KFOS).

The study was presented to the public by the authors Sanja Sovrlic (a journalist from RTV Mir) and Јована Јаковљевић (InTER's researcher). One of the panelist was Mr. Libor Chlad (Deputy Head of Cooperation, European Union Kosovo).

Representatives of Ministry of Local-government Administration and Ministry of Finance were present, as well as representatives of international organizations and media. In total, around 30 participants attended the event. The presentation was held at the premises of the Independent Media Commission in Pristina.

The study "Do we live better?" is available in English, Albanian and Serbian on this webpage.