Conference “Roma Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Perspectives”

Release date: 08.12.2016.
Konferencija_Rmsko_preduzetnistvo_03.jpg The conference “Roma Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Perspectives” will be organized on 15 December 2016 in Belgrade, Hotel Zira at 10h. The conference is organized by the Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER) and Yurom Centre, in partnership with the German – Serbian Development Cooperation implemented by GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, ACCESS Project), with support provided by the Institute for Open Society Foundation from Budapest.

The conference will gather representatives of state institutions, international organizations, entrepreneurs and the professionals, with the goal to have an elaborated discussion on the perspectives of Roma entrepreneurship in Serbia. The plenary will include the presentation of the research findings and a part of the documentary on Roma entrepreneurship, and the panels will include the topics confirmed by the research as the most crucial. The Program of the conference can be downloaded at the link below.

If you are interested in participating at the conference “Roma Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Perspectives”, please confirm your attendance to or by phone +381 (0)11 3246766, by 13 December 2016.