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- 01.2025. - 01.2029.Center of Excellence for Civic Participation in Local and Regional Development in Serbia
- 11.2024. - 05.2025.Participatory management of tourist attractions in Serbia
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Newsletter of the NCEU Working Group for Chapter 35 - Issue 58
Release date: 19.01.2024.

1. "Belgrade and Priština far from "Maturity"? Between the Thucydides Trap and Successful Harmonisation", by Marko Dašić, PhD from the Center for Social Dialogue and Regional Initiatives;
2. "The Dialogue in the Perception of the Public: between Revulsion and Necessity", by Senad Šabović from the European Institute of Peace;
The Newsletter is available here
The Newsletter was developed within the project "Support for Progress Monitoring in Chapter 35”, implemented by InTER, and financially supported by Sweden within the Belgrade Open School’s program “Civil Society Advancing Serbia's EU Accession Process – Europe ASAP”.
Resource center
- 08.07.2016.InTER Newsletter 16 Eng
- 20.05.2016.InTER Newsletter 16