Working Group of the National Convention on the European Union for Chapter 35 organised the conference “Towards the Agreement“

Release date: 28.02.2024.
IMG_9334.jpeg On February 27, the Working Group of the National Convention on the European Union for Chapter 35 organised the annual conference “Towards the Agreement” at the Hotel Metropol Palace, marking the first anniversary of the European Plan on the Path to Normalisation adopted in Brussels.

The conference was organised in three panels under the names - (Dis)trust and Reconciliation, Normalisation or Confrontation, and Perspectives of Dialogue in the Future. The first panel “(Dis)trust and Reconciliation” discussed the situation on the ground in the reconciliation of members of the two communities and ways to start the reconciliation process. The second panel “Normalisation or Confrontation, what can we expect from the dialogue” focused on the normalisation of relations between Belgrade and Priština, while the third panel “Perspectives of Dialogue and the Future” included a discussion on further steps and a view into the future.

The participants of the event were representatives of relevant state institutions, civil society organizations, the diplomatic corps, the media, and interested citizens. Guests from Bujanovac and Priština also participated.

The conference was organised as part of the project “Support for Monitoring Progress in Chapter 35” which is implemented by InTER and financially supported by Sweden within the program of the Belgrade Open School “Civil Society Advancing Serbia's EU Accession Process – Europe ASAP”, as well as the project “Support for the Work of the NCEU Working Group” for Chapter 35” implemented by InTER and financed by the Open Society Foundation - Western Balkans.


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