Press Release - Outdoor In

Release date: 23.03.2024.
outdoor_in_logo.jpg Regarding the published photo of the Mountain Lodge on the Facebook page of Radoica Radomirović, Deputy Minister for Communities and Returns of the Government of Kosovo, and for the purpose of truthful information of the public, we herewith wish to state the following:

We claim, with full responsibility, that the construction of the Mountain Lodge has in no way been linked to the funds Mr Radomirović refers to.

The construction of the Mountain Lodge Berim began in 2021 by the Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER) within the initiative Outdoor In which has been working on tourism development in Ibarski Kolašin for more than ten years. The construction of the lodge was supported by PPSE programme financed by the Swiss government, co-funded by the donations of citizens and private companies, as well as funds collected through the paid tickets for climbing at Via Ferrata Berim.

All construction stages for the Mountain Lodge have been published on our Facebook page Outdoor In. The lodge has not been finished due to a lack of funds, but also because of the landslide which destroyed a part of the road to the lodge and made it impossible to continue with works.

Via Ferrata Berim is a globally famous tourist attraction which brings the adventurers from all around the world with its attractive features, and the latest guests have been from as far as Hong Kong.