An initial GO PPP project partners meeting organised

Release date: 06.06.2024.
IMG_8121.jpg Within the project “Implementing Good Governance Principles in Public-Private Partnership Projects (GO PPP)” which is financed through the regional program “Civil Society for Shared Society in the Western Balkans”, the partners, Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER) from Serbia, Institute for Entrepreneurship and Economic Development (IPER) from Montenegro and the Albanian Center for Economic Research (APER) from Albania organised an introductory meeting in Tirana on 3 and 4 June 2024.

The meeting marked the beginning of significant cooperation between civil society organizations aimed at improving good governance practices in public-private partnerships throughout the Western Balkans region. The project partners gathered to define the goals of the project, consider strategies and plan activities for the future period. The initiative promises progress in the field of governance, with the support of international partners committed to promoting transparency and efficiency in public administration.

The project aims to apply the principles of good governance in public-private partnerships, by improving participation, transparency, accountability and efficiency. Through the project, sustainable mechanisms for regional cooperation of decision makers and other actors in the field of PPP will be developed. On the regional level, it is planned to form a Regional Initiative for PPP, which will include key decision makers from Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and North Macedonia. Locally, through the project, forums for PPP will be established in four pilot municipalities, bringing together representatives of the civil sector, public and private sectors, as well as local authorities.

The GO PPP project is supported by a grant from the regional project “SMART Balkans - Civil Society for Shared Society in the Western Balkans” implemented by the Center for Civil Society Promotion (CPCD), Center for Research and Policy Making (CRPM) and the Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM), and financially supported by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NMFA).