Reccomendations from the Conference on the importance of business support infrastructure in Serbia

Release date: 02.07.2012.
privredna_komora_beograda_Converted.jpg Belgrade Chamber of Commerce, National Agency for Regional Development (NARD), Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER) and the Association „Klub prvih zena“, have submitted the conclusions from the round table „Importance of business incubators, clusters, industrial zones and parks for local economic development - Are we keeping pace with the EU countries and countries in the region?“ to all relevant instututions in Serbia.

The conclusions were drawn from the discussion with the representatives of businesses and entrepreneurs, clusters, business incubators, industrial zones and parks, and relevant institutions. After the round table, the participants submitted their proposals and suggestions for improvements to business environment for the development of business incubators, clusters, industrial zones and parks, and for encouragement of SME sector in Serbia to become their members.

A press conference was also planned for the end of June about the presentation of the Final Document and the proposal to the new Serbian Government for improvements to business environment for the development of business incubators, clusters, industrial zones and parks, and for encouragement of SME sector in Serbia to become their members, but it was cancelled due to technical reasons.

The Final Document was delivered to the following institutions:
•    Government of the Republic of Serbia
•    Ministry of Economy and Regional Development
•    National Agency for Regional Development
•    Business Incubators in Serbia
•    Cluster organizations in Serbia
•    Serbian Chamber of Commerce
•    Belgrade Chamber of Commerce
•    Regional Chambers of Commerce
•    Local self-governments
•    International organisations (EU Delegation, USAID, GIZ, SDC, LEDIB, etc.)
•    Local economic development offices / regional development agencies
•    Business, employers’ and entrepreneurs’ associations
•    Representatives of the civil society
•    Association “Klub prvih zena”
•    Association of Business Women of Serbia
•    Representatives of the media