Second seminar organised within 2013 TRAIN Programme

Release date: 29.06.2013.
IMG_36548023.jpg Second seminar within 2013 TRAIN Programme was organised in Berlin on June 26-28. The seminar included several activities aimed at improving communication skills, and several meetings with German officials.

InTER’s researcher, Jelena Šapić, presented the existing results of the research on the results of the implementation of the agreements on bilateral trade and free movement of citizens between Belgrade and Priština. The Project was supported by the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), and it is implemented in cooperation with the partner organisation from Priština, Group for Legal and Political Studies (GLPS).

Presentation of the research was also one of the topics of the meeting with Ms Irene Eidemüller, in charge of Western Balkans in the German Chancellery. Ms Eidemüller showed great interest in the topic of the project and the analysis of early implementation of those agreements.

Apart from the visit and the meeting in the Chancellor’s office, participants also discussed with a Bundestag member, Mr Dietmar Nietan. With an optimistic attitude toward future enlargement and with a strong call for mutual cooperation, Mr Nietan answered questions and offered his assistance in including certain issues in the Agenda of both national and European parliaments.

Finally, participants of this year’s TRAIN programme had the opportunity to participate in the first working day of the first ALUMNI conference (ALUMNI Conference). By presenting their experiences obtained from earlier TRAIN projects, alumni offered the mechanisms for more efficient advocacy for recommendations and the use of European assistance for achievement of ideas.

A panel discussion was organised within the first ALUMNI conference about Croatia entering the European Union and the effects of this enlargement to the rest of the Western Balkans region. The topic was introduced by: Christoph Retzlaff (Federal Foreign Office, Department for EU-Enlargement, European Neighbourhood Policy and EU Foreign Relations), Senada Šelo-Šabić (IRMO - Zagreb), Vesna Malenica (Populari - Sarajevo) and Vuk Maraš (MANS - Podgorica), whereas participants also included diplomatic representatives from the EU and the region, representatives of German foundations, governmental departments, parliamentary groups and experts.

Article about the Conference on DGAP website

The next TRAIN seminar is scheduled for November 2013 in Brussels. On that occasion, results of the research will be presented to key decision makers and experts from the European Union for the Western Balkans region.


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