Conference of the network of partners in the Programme for Development of Trade Union Organisations in Serbia organised

Release date: 05.09.2013.
KOnf_olof_palme.jpg On September 5, 2013, the conference was organized of the network of partners in the Programme for Development of Trade Union Organisations in Serbia. The Network includes representatives of trade union organizations from Sweden and Serbia participating in the Programme. During the conference, InTER’s representatives presented the First Monitoring Report of this Programme and announced activities related to the preparation of the Second Monitoring Report, as well as Mid-term evaluation.

InTER has been hired by the Olof Palme International Center to implement monitoring and evaluation  the Programme for Development of Trade Union Organisations in Serbia during the years 2012-2014. In this period, InTER will perform monitoring of programme indicators and implement a mid-term and final evaluation of the Programme. More information about the project