The Final Evaluation of the Campaign: “Raising Awareness on Environmental Protection in the South and South West Serbia”

Release date: 06.02.2014.
EG_FInal.jpg InTER has been contracted by the Executive Group Ltd to carry out the final evaluation of the Campaign: “Raising Awareness on Environmental Protection in the South and South West Serbia”. This campaign was funded within the scope of EU PROGRES programme and jointly implemented by the Executive Group Ltd from Belgrade and NGO Generator from Vranje. The campaign covered 10 municipalities in south and southwest Serbia.
The final evaluation was carried out by InTER’s team: Dragiša Mijačić, Vesela Ćurković and Irena Fiket. It was undertaken in January 2014 and included a review of all secondary sources and a fieldwork in beneficiary municipalities. The final report with recommendation was submitted to the Executive Group Ltd on 31 January 2014.