LED Strategic Planning in Bar Municipality

Project start: 01.2008. - Project end: 12.2008. FinishedProject
The Municipality of Bar (Montenegro) and SNV Netherlands initiated a process of strategic planning in local economic development, in which InTER was invited to provide technical assistance on the following assignments:
1. Proposing a methodology for the strategic participatory planning of Local Economic Development (LED) in Bar Municipality;
2. Training local stakeholders in LED and Project Cycle Management issues;
3. Providing technical support to LED teams in creating the LED strategy;
4. Monitoring the process of designing the LED Strategy;
5. Providing a review of LED assessment and LED strategy papers;
6. Proposing the institutional framework for implementation of the strategy; and
7. Evaluation and quality assurance of the overall process.

As a result of InTER’s coaching, the Municipality of Bar was enabled to develop and adopt a five-year LED Strategy for the period 2009-2013.