Sustainable Cross-Border Development of Foca and Plužine Municipalities

Project start: 03.2013. - Project end: 02.2015. FinishedProject
InTER provides support to Municipality of Plužine and Municipality of Foča to implement the project "Sustainable Cross-Border Development of Foca and Pluzine Municipalities", funded within the scheme of EU IPA CBC BiH-MNE Programme. Implementation of the project has started on 1 March 2013 and it will last for 24 months. This project initiative has been developed through capacity building training modules for writing grant applications that InTER held to representatives of two municipalities back in 2010, and it is in line with the Foča-Plužine Cross-Border Cooperation Strategy that has been designed through technical assistance provided also by InTER. InTER's role within this project will be to provide support in project management and to monitor results of the intervention.

Related texts:

Sustainable Cross-Border Development of Foča and Plužine municipalities

Meeting of the Cross-Border Development Forum of Plužine and Foča municipalities

Meetings held within the project

Project "Sustainable Cross-Border Development of Foča and Plužine Municipalities" at the Tourism Fair