Climbing on Berim Rocks - Dare to Imagine

Project start: 03.2015. - Project end: 12.2015. FinishedProject
Dare_to_imagine.png InTER has started the implementation of the new project "Climbing on Berim Rocks - Dare to Imagine", which is a continuation of the initiative to develop active tourism potentials in Ibarski Kolasin.
The project is financially supported by the Embassy of Finland and the PPSE Program of the Swiss Government. The project is implemented by InTER, in cooperation with Zubin Potok Municipality, the newly etsablished NGO Outdoor In and the Lifesaving Club "Wolf" from Foca (BiH). The project duration is 10 months, from 1 March to 31 December 2015.

The project objective is to develop and promote new products for active tourism in Zubin Potok municipality, which will contribute to the promotion of this area as an attractive tourism destination.
Key project activities are:

- Construction of Via Ferrata;
- Preparing of Berim Rocks for climbing in at least 10 directions;
- Purchase of necessary climbing equipment;
- Construction of the logistic camp;
- Training of tourist guides for Via Ferrata;
- Promotion of new tourism products.