Analysis of the Cluster Development Programme in the Republic of Serbia

Project start: 11.2015. - Project end: 04.2016. ActiveProject
cluster_image.jpg Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER) is conducting an analysis of the Cluster Development Programmes in the Republic of Serbia, within the OSF Think Tank Young Professional Development Programme.

The research is primarily focused on measuring the impact of the Programme’s general objective related to increased productivity and competitiveness of local enterprises and sole traders as a result of cluster organisation, and strengthening of cooperation between micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and research and development organisations. The expected results of the analysis include identification of effects, limitations and lessons learned in the previous implementation of the Cluster Development Programme, implemented since 2007.

The research includes analysis of programme documents and reports and empirical research with managers and beneficiaries of the Programme through questionnaires and interviews with the key actors. After the analysis, the research results will be presented to the broad public.

The project is implemented from November 2015 until the end of April 2016.