Analysis of the state of the economy in Serbian environments in Kosovo - the impact of the economy on democracy in society

Project start: 04.2020. - Project end: 11.2020. FinishedProject
In cooperation with the Kosovo Foundation for Open Society (KFOS), InTER is implementing the project "Analysis of the State of Economy in Serbian Communities in Kosovo - the Impact of Economy on Democracy in the Society." The aim of the project is to contribute to a greater degree of openness of business entities from Serb-majority communities to other communities and institutions.

Specifically, the project aims to provide better information on the state of economy and access of businesses to financial support for private sector development in Serb-majority municipalities in Kosovo.

The project envisages a study on the extent to which businesses from Serb-majority communities are open to integration into Kosovo's economy, as well as the level of private sector development in those areas. In addition, the project will produce OP-EDs on private sector development in Serb areas in Kosovo.

The project is part of a broader initiative of the Kosovo Foundation for Open Society (KFOS) "Democracy, Openness and Perspectives of the Serb Community in Kosovo - OPEN", which began in 2020. OPEN is implemented in cooperation with nine civil society organizations operating in the Serb community in Kosovo, which address the topics of the media, civil society, political parties, accountability of institutions, security, economy, and minority rights.

The project is implemented in the period from April 1 to November 30, 2020.