National Convention on the European Union 2019/2020

Project start: 09.2019. - Project end: 05.2020. FinishedProject
NKEu_logo_srp.jpg The Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER) is implementing the project National Convention on the European Union 2019/2020, WG for Chapter 35, with the financial support from the Foundation for Open Society, Serbia. The goal of the project is to contribute to the development of democratic practices and to strengthen the NCEU's capacity to continue the work on the reform processes on the road to EU integration.

Specifically, the project aims to build the capacities of the NCEU Working Group for Chapter 35 for dialogue and to provide concrete solutions for normalization of Belgrade-Pristina relations, to enhance cooperation and dialogue between civil society organizations, relevant institutions and other stakeholders during the negotiations, as well as to contribute to better awareness of the public about Serbia's EU accession process, with particular focus on Chapter 35.

The project includes implementation of several activities: development and publication of 9 issues of the Working Group electronic newsletter, development of 2 analytical papers on Chapter 35, organization of 4 work breakfasts with journalists, as well as organization of 6 different events of different formats that will promote work and results of the Working Group.

The project will be implemented between 1 September 2019 and 31 May 2020.