Active projects
- 01.2025. - 01.2029.Center of Excellence for Civic Participation in Local and Regional Development in Serbia
- 11.2024. - 05.2025.Participatory management of tourist attractions in Serbia
Active researches
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Support to the work of the NCEU Working Group for Chapter 35
Project start: 12.2023. - Project end: 05.2024.
From December 2023, InTER is implementing the project "Support to the
work of the NCEU Working Group for Chapter 35" with the financial
support of the Open Society Foundation - Western Balkans.
The project aims to contribute to the European integration process of the Republic of Serbia and the development of democratic practices through strengthening the capacity of CSOs for further work in reform processes and strategic dialogue with decision makers. Specifically, the project aims to further strengthen the capacity of the RG for Chapter 35 to monitor transitional measures within this chapter, as well as issues of importance for the reconciliation and normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina. In addition, the project also aims to establish and improve cooperation between key social actors dealing with issues of importance for Chapter 35, primarily representatives of competent institutions, civil society organizations, representatives of the international community and the media. The project will also strive to improve cooperation among the members of the WG, to promote the work of the WG, but also to contribute to a better awareness of the public about specific issues within this Chapter.
The expected results of the project refer to the strengthened capacities of civil society organizations, members of the RG, for providing support to negotiations and monitoring the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, improved dialogue and cooperation of CSOs with relevant decision-makers and other actors on issues of importance for Chapter 35, but also for better informing the public about issues within this Chapter and additional promotion of the work of the WG in the media.
Duration of the project is 6 months, from 1 December 2023 to 31 May 2024.
The project aims to contribute to the European integration process of the Republic of Serbia and the development of democratic practices through strengthening the capacity of CSOs for further work in reform processes and strategic dialogue with decision makers. Specifically, the project aims to further strengthen the capacity of the RG for Chapter 35 to monitor transitional measures within this chapter, as well as issues of importance for the reconciliation and normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina. In addition, the project also aims to establish and improve cooperation between key social actors dealing with issues of importance for Chapter 35, primarily representatives of competent institutions, civil society organizations, representatives of the international community and the media. The project will also strive to improve cooperation among the members of the WG, to promote the work of the WG, but also to contribute to a better awareness of the public about specific issues within this Chapter.
The expected results of the project refer to the strengthened capacities of civil society organizations, members of the RG, for providing support to negotiations and monitoring the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, improved dialogue and cooperation of CSOs with relevant decision-makers and other actors on issues of importance for Chapter 35, but also for better informing the public about issues within this Chapter and additional promotion of the work of the WG in the media.
Duration of the project is 6 months, from 1 December 2023 to 31 May 2024.
- Politicki pluralizam u okviru srpske zajednice na Kosovu i eventualne posledice po dijalog o normalizaciji odnosa.pdf (768KB, PDF)
- Political Pluralism in the Serb Community in Kosovo and Possible Consequences for the Dialogue on Normalisation of Relations.pdf (735KB, PDF)
- Integrisano upravljanje granicama i sloboda kretanja.pdf (783KB, PDF)
- Integrated Border Management and Freedom of Movement.pdf (705KB, PDF)
Resource center
- 08.07.2016.InTER Newsletter 16 Eng
- 20.05.2016.InTER Newsletter 16