From November 2024 to May 2025, InTER will implement the project "Improving the participatory management of tourist attractions in Serbia", which is financially supported by Sweden within the program of the Belgrade Open School " Civil Society Advancing Serbia's EU Accession Process - Europe ASAP". General objective of the project is to contribute to the European integration of the Republic of Serbia and improve democratic processes through strengthening the capacity of CSOs to actively participate in reform processes and dialogue with decision makers. Specifically, the implementation of the project includes the improvement of cooperation and dialogue between civil society organizations (CSOs) and local self-governments, with the aim of establishing participative management of tourist attractions. The project is a continuation of InTER's previous activities in promoting dialogue between civil society organizations and local authorities, focusing on the introduction of participatory models in the management of tourism resources. Through this project, a special focus will be on mapping examples of good and bad practices in participatory management of tourist attractions in Serbia, which will identify key challenges and opportunities for improvement. Also, the project will include the organization of workshops for the participatory creation of procedures for the management of tourist products on the premises, as well as the organization of a conference on the participatory management of tourist destinations, where the results of the project and recommendations for further development of this area will be presented.