Archeopark - a Celtic Settlement Singidunum at Ada-Huja in Belgrade

Project start: 12.2011. - Project end: 12.2020. FinishedProject
Kelti116.jpeg The City Municipality of Palilula (Belgrade) and InTER has signed a strategic partnership in developing a first Archeopark in Serbia, a reconstruction of a Celtic Settlement Singidunum at the locality of the Ada Huja in Belgrade. Other partners in the project are the Institute of the Archaeology of the University of Belgrade and Serbian Chamber of Commerce.
Although the project is still in the phase of programming, the Belgrade Port has granted the land for the Archeopark at Ada Huja, Belgrade. Besides, the promotional movie has been developed and the project has been promoted on the International Tourist Fair in Milano (Italy) and Belgrade (Serbia). Total value of the project is estimated to 400,000€.

The project has been seen as a support of the Belgrade’s candidacy for EU Capital of Culture 2020.