Cost-Benefit Analysis of Implementation of Index for Inclusion in the Education System of the Republic of Serbia

Date start: 01.01.2009.
SC.jpg The Report analysed the cost of Implementation of the Index for Inclusion in two pilot municipalities, Pirot and Subotica, and make projections of costs and benefits of applying the Index to all schools in Serbia. Main focus of the analysis is inclusion of Roma population in mainstream education, as they are the most vulnerable group in Serbia. The Index for Inclusion was developed at the Centre for Studies of Inclusive Education (UK), in collaboration with University of Manchester and University of Christ Church College Canterbury, with the intention to support schools in a process of inclusive school development. The Index provides a framework for school review and development on three dimensions: school culture, policy and practice. The research has been supported by the Save the Children Fund UK and was published in 2009. The publication is available in Serbian and English Language.