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- 01.2025. - 01.2029.Center of Excellence for Civic Participation in Local and Regional Development in Serbia
- 11.2024. - 05.2025.Participatory management of tourist attractions in Serbia
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Date start 20.11.2013.Policy papers
Policy Brief: Dialogue-induced Developments on the Ground - Analysis on implementation of the EU-facilitated agreements on freedom of movement and trade between Kosovo and Serbia
The EU-facilitated dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia began in March 2011. In under three years, the dialogue has spawned a number of official agreements, changed from technical to political talks, and catalyzed discussion and cooperation between Kosovo and Serbia that would have been unthinkable years prior. The fact that high level politicians from Serbia and Kosovo have come together to hold talks and the agreements themselves represent groundbreaking steps in Kosovo-Serbia relations. Yet the key to a fruitful dialogue lies in the implementation of agreements. The successful implementation of agreements is necessary for normalizing the lives of citizens and is highly relevant to the EU integration processes of both Kosovo and Serbia. This policy brief analyzes early bird experiences with implementation of three key agreements – freedom of movement, customs and IBM – taking into consideration previous experiences with the flow of commodities and people between Kosovo and Serbia, as well as contemporary demands on economic and regional integration and cooperation. The brief also provides policy recommendations to all parties in diallogue. The policy brief was been written by cooperation of two think tanks InTER and the Group of Legal and Political Studies from Pristina, within the scope of the DGAP TRAIN program. On 11-14 November 2013 the policy brief has been presented in Brussels to representatives of the European Commission and the European Parliament that are engaged in the dialogue or work on issues related to Serbia and Kosovo. In the following weeks the policy brief will be presented to national stakeholders, both in Serbia and Kosovo. More information about InTER’s participation in the DGAP TRAIN program is available on the Researches page.
Read moreDate start 30.10.2013.Policy papers
Slovak Official Development Aid to the Republic of Serbia – is it time to phase out?
Slovak official development assistance (ODA) played an important role in the transition, democratization and modernization of society in Serbia. Slovakia’s assistance to Serbia started back in 2000 when it supported a change of regime in the former Yugoslavia in the so-called Bratislava process - program for democratic Yugoslavia. Undoubtedly, the Bratislava process is a “pioneer project” of Slovak ODA and the first successful transfer of Slovak experience and know-how in the process of peaceful democratization of society in a country in transition. Yet in 2003, Serbia became one of priority countries and Slovak ODA recipient of the Bratislava - Belgrade Fund and later Slovak Aid fund. 108 development projects of 13 million euro have been implemented in Serbia throughout the period from 2003-2012. But already in 2011, the Republic of Serbia loses the priority country status that leads to a significant decrease in the volume of Slovak ODA despite the fact that Serbia, according to “Slovak ODA mid – term strategy for 2009-2013”, was still a priority/program country. The loss of the position as a program country we observe as a consequence of several circumstances and hence we identified four critical points: Serbia’s status as an EU candidate country, impact of influenced Slovak NGOs on programming the Slovak ODA directed to Serbia, contradiction between strategic, programming documents of Slovak ODA and foreign - policy goals of Slovak government, and difficulty to measure effectiveness and efficiency of Slovak ODA in Serbia due to lack of monitoring and evaluation procedures that would impartially assess the real effect of Slovak ODA in Serbia. To counter these challenges, the areas where we see prospect intervention from the part of Slovak ODA are following: 1. Slovak’s ODA role as a diplomatic tool; 2. Slovak’s ODA role in strengthening economic cooperation; 3. Slovak’s ODA role in the EU integration process; 4. Slovak’s ODA role in strengthening regional cooperation; Serbia, with no doubt, was the largest recipient country of Slovak ODA throughout these years. Despite the fact, no representative from Serbian government or parliament was invited to discuss the effectiveness of Slovak ODA in Serbia at the International Conference “10 Years of SlovakAid: a Vision of Development Cooperation for a Changing World” where representatives of all sectors from 17 countries met including Mr. Andris Piebalgs, European Commissioner for Development. We understand contribution of non – governmental sector to political, economic and social change in our country, however, when programming and discussing about the vision of Slovak ODA for the upcoming period, stakeholders and counterparts from Serbian government and parliaments shall have been involved as well. Following up on what has been said earlier, reducing the participation of Slovak ODA in Serbia, from our point of view, may have a negative effect on Serbia and Slovakia, the country that for its comparative advantage was respected within the donor community in Serbia. The "phase out strategy" rather weakens the position and influence of Slovakia on political and economic development of Serbia as a key player and leader in the Southeast Europe. This opens the territory for new development aid actors who are waiting for such an opportunity.
Read moreDate start 01.01.2013.Evaluations
Mid-term evaluation of Income Generation Activities (IGA) sector of the South Serbia Programme 2012-2014
InTER has been contracted by Caritas Luxemburg to carry out Mid-term evaluation of Income Generation Activities (IGA) sector of the South Serbia Programme 2012-2014. The assignment included evaluation of effectiveness and efficiency of five individual projects focused on income generation, entrepreneurship and micro-enterprise development among socially vulnerable groups. Project area covered Vranje and Bujanovac. Evaluation was carried out in December 2012 and January 2013.
Read moreDate start 10.09.2013.Evaluations
Final Evaluation: Edible Oil Value Chain Enhancement in Ethiopia
Final Evaluation covers Oil Value Chain Enhancement Joint Programme implemented in Ethiopia. The Report was prepared by evaluation expert James A.Newkirk. The publication is in English language.
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- 08.07.2016.InTER Newsletter 16 Eng
- 20.05.2016.InTER Newsletter 16