Workshop on ex-ante evaluation of the draft cross-border cooperation programme Hungary – Serbia 2014-2020

Release date: 03.10.2013.
2013_10_03_16_34_47.jpg The first workshop was organized within the activities of ex-ante evaluation of the draft cross-border cooperation programme Hungary – Serbia 2014-2020. The workshop was held on October, 2013 in the premises of Csongrad county, and it was attended by representatives of national authorities, managing structure of the programme, programming team and ex-ante evaluators. It focused on detailed analysis of findings from the situation and SWOT analysis, as well as importance of thematic priorities for the programming area.

InTER is participating the elaboration of the new cross-border cooperation programme Hungary – Serbia 2014-2020 as a consortium member. More information about the programming can be found here.


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