Elaboration of the Hungary-Serbia Cross-Border Co-operation Programme for the 2014-2020 financial period

Project start: 04.2013. - Project end: 03.2014. FinishedProject
In consortia with HitesyBartuczHollai Euroconsulting Kft and VitalPro Kft, both from Budapest, and Razbor d.o.o. from Zagreb, InTER has been awarded by the European Commission with the contract to elaborate the Hungary-Serbia Cross-Border Co-operation Programme with respect to the requirements of the Structural Funds and future IPA II regulation for the 2014-2020 financial period. This task shall be achieved by:

-    the elaboration the Programming Document by providing a situation and SWOT analysis addressing the regional specificities, designing the structure of priorities, areas of intervention and actions;

-    forming the document according to inputs received from the Task Force,

-    ensuring the compliance of the document with the findings of the ex-ante assessment and the strategic environmental assessment, as well as the national level development programmes of both states concerned

-    presenting and discussing the content of the document at various events (Task Force meetings, regional workshops).

InTER will provide one of three key experts and will contribute to the assignment with activities in eligible bordering areas of Serbia.

The assignment will last from 14 months, from February 2013 till the end of March 2014.

Related texts:

June 5, 2014 Seventh Task Force meeting held within the elaboration of the Hungary – Serbia Cross-Border Cooperation Programme

March 11, 2014 Sixth Task Force Meeting held within the elaboration of the Hungary – Serbia Cross-Border Cooperation Programme

July 12, 2013 Meeting and workshop organised within the Hungary-Serbia Cross-Border Co-operation Programme 2014 – 2020

August 28, 2013 Third Task Force Meeting held within the elaboration of the Hungary – Serbia Cross-Border Cooperation Programme

October 2, 2013 Workshop organised within programming for IPA Hungary-Serbia Cross-Border Co-operation Programme for the 2014-2020

October 3, 2013 Workshop on ex-ante evaluation of the draft cross-border cooperation programme Hungary – Serbia 2014-2020

October 28, 2013 Meeting of the Task Force for Hungary-Serbia Cross-Border Cooperation Programme organised