SEENET Programme: A Trans-Local Network for Cooperation between Italy and South East Europe

Date start: 27.11.2011.
The SEENET Programme aims to foster dialogue among states, institutions and local communities in South East Europe for the effective development of territories involved in the Programme, through a long-term regional level partnership which uses the Italian system of decentralised cooperation as a model. InTER is participating as a partner to the Centro Studi di Politica Internazionale (CeSPI) on the horizontal programme component of research, which aims to implement policy-oriented action-research activities, to disseminate knowledge and to valorise experiences of governance for local development. The output of InTER’s involvement is the development of five research studies, prepared within a period of 30 months (one research report due every six months). Two reports have been finished to-date: the first in October 2010 and the second in May 2011. The third report is expected in November 2011.