  • 10636594_815494335263408_8440074215118703297_o.jpgDate start 17.03.2016.

    Press Conference organised within the Policy Dialogue for Environmental Protection and Development Action Project

    On Wednesday, 16 March 2016, Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER) is organising a Press Conference and a Panel a Panel: Environmental Protection – an Opportunity or a Threat for Economic Development?” The event was organized within the Policy Dialogue for Environmental Protection and Development Action Project financed by the E...

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  • 1.jpgDate start 15.03.2016.

    Press conference for the launch of Policy Dialogue for Environmental Protection and Development Action project

    InTER is organizing a press conference for the launch of the project “Policy Dialogue for Environmental Protection and Development Action” in EUICC Mitrovica North, on Wednesday 16 March 2016 at 14h. A panel discussion will also be organized on: Environmental Protection – an Opportunity or a Threat for Economic Development?

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  • InTER_Logo.jpgDate start 09.02.2016.

    Call for assessors

    Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER) has been invited to submit an offer for providing services for technical and quality assessment of the grant application packages for EU Calls. We are looking for good quality assessors with experience in tourism, youth, environment and investments. The following profiles are requested by To...

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  • Pecat_Via_Ferrata.pngDate start 02.02.2016.

    Press release: closing the project “Climbing on Berim Rocks - Dare to Imagine”

    Implementation of the Project “Climbing on Berim Rocks – Dare to Imagine” was finished on the last day of January. The Project aimed at contributing to socio-economic development and conditions for job creation which would reduce poverty in rural areas of the municipality of Zubin Potok. Specifically, the Project was focused on developing and pr...

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