  • 1932362_407492252728559_1280652021_n.jpgDate start 03.03.2014.

    OUTDOOR In project at the International Tourism Fair

    Municipality of Zubin Potok and the project "OUTDOOR In - Zubin Potok Tourism Development" participated at the International Tourism Fair, the biggest tourism event in Southeast Europe.

    The participants has an opportunity to learn about the tourist offer, as well as customs and tradition of this region, and to try home-made food and drinks. The ...

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  • IMAG1187.jpgDate start 02.03.2014.

    Project "Sustainable Cross-Border Development of Foča and Plužine Municipalities" at the Tourism Fair

    Tourist Organization of the Municipality of Foča and Tourist Organization of the Municipality of Plužine jointly participated at the International Tourism Fair in Balgrade. Joint presentation was organized within the project “Sustainable Cross-Border Development of Foča and Plužine Municipalities ”, where InTER is one of the project participants...

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  • 2.jpgDate start 07.02.2014.

    Award ceremony organised for winners of the photo contest

    An award ceremony was organized in the Cultural Centre “Stari Kolašin“ in Zubin Potok for the winners of the competition for the best photo of Ibarski Kolašin. The guests could see the exhibition of the best photos from the competition.

    On this occasion, the results of the first year of implementation of the project “OUTDOOR In - Zubin Potok Tour...

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  • EG_FInal.jpgDate start 06.02.2014.

    The Final Evaluation of the Campaign: “Raising Awareness on Environmental Protection in the South and South West Serbia”

    InTER has been contracted by the Executive Group Ltd to carry out the final evaluation of the Campaign: “Raising Awareness on Environmental Protection in the South and South West Serbia”. This campaign was funded within the scope of EU PROGRES programme and jointly implemented by the Executive Group Ltd from Belgrade and NGO Generator from Vranj...

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