  • 2014_03_26_14_52_14.jpgDate start 26.03.2014.

    Meeting with Andrew Russell

    InTER’s representatives participated in a working meeting with Andrew Russell, UN Development Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in Kosovo. The meeting was organised on March 26, 2014 in UNDP premises in Zvečan, and the meeting was also attended by other NGOs active in Northern Kosovo.

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  • DSC00181.jpegDate start 25.03.2014.

    InTER conctracted the final evaluation of the project “Organic Food Production Support in South Serbia”

    On Tuesday, March 25 2014, Centre for the Development of Jablanica and Pcinja Districts and InTER signed the Contract for implementation of the final evaluation of the project “Organic Food Production Support in South Serbia”. The project was financed by Austrian Development Cooperation (ADA) and it was implemented in the period 2012-2014. InTER...

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  • 111.jpgDate start 21.03.2014.

    Ambassadors visiting OUTDOOR In project

    On Friday, March 21, ambassadors of Austria, Switzerland, UK and Sweden visited InTER's office in Zubin Potok and learned more about the results of the project OUTDOOR In - Zubin Potok Tourism Development.

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  • 2014_03_11_13_52_51.jpgDate start 11.03.2014.

    Sixth Task Force Meeting held within the elaboration of the Hungary – Serbia Cross-Border Cooperation Programme

    Within the programming of the new Hungary-Serbia Cross-Border Co-operation Programme 2014 – 2020, the 6th Task Force meeting was organised, where thematic priorities were discussed, as well as further programming steps. Special attention was paid to thematic priorities focused on economic development and R&D. The meeting was held on March 11, 20...

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