  • DSC_0058.JPGDate start 26.01.2023.

    PANEL: The German-French proposal for the normalization agreement – much ado about (nothing) what?!

    The Working Group of the National Convention on the European Union for Chapter 35 organized a panel discussion "The German-French proposal for the normalization agreement – much ado about (nothing) what?!" today in the Media Center in Belgrade.

    The coordinator of the WG NCEU for Chapter 35, Dragiša Mijačić, stated that the German-French proposal ...

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  • dijalog_promena.jpegDate start 24.01.2023.

    InTER started the project “The importance of dialogue for local economic development - the example of PPP”

    In cooperation with the Bečej Youth Association (BUM), InTER, is implementing the project “The importance of dialogue for local economic development - the example of public-private partnership (PPP)”, supported by the Belgrade Open School (BOŠ), and financed by the Delegation of the European Union to Serbia. The project was approved as part of t...

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  • MicrosoftTeams_image_3.jpgDate start 24.01.2023.

    Debate on the issue of the missing from the war in Kosovo: Political abuses undermine the right to the truth

    On Tuesday, January 24, in Angio HAB in Belgrade, the Youth Initiative for Human Rights in Serbia (YIHR Serbia), together with the Working Group of the National Convention on the EU for Chapter 35, organized a debate "(Missed) chance for an agreement: Search for missing persons from the war in Kosovo". Participants in the debate were Jelena Krst...

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  • Konvent_logo_01.jpgDate start 08.11.2022.


    Working Group for Chapter 35


    The Working Group of the National Convention on the European Union for Chapter 35 expresses concern about the situation in the municipalities in the north of Kosovo after the abandonment of institutions by political representatives, policemen, judges, prosecutors a...

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