  • BTD_i_RNE_01.jpgDate start 05.04.2022.

    Support for Monitoring the Dialogue between Belgrade and Priština

    The Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER) is implementing the project "Support to Monitoring the Dialogue between Belgrade and Priština" with the financial support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway and the Balkan Trust for Democracy (BTD). The goal of the project is to contribute to EU integration and the process of democr...

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  • Logo_Inter_02.jpgDate start 28.01.2022.

    Normalisation and fiscalisation

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  • Logo_Inter_02.jpgDate start 13.12.2021.

    Promoting cooperation among civil society in Kosovo and Serbia

    Joint Statement of Kosovo and Serbia Civil Society Actors

    Witnessing that Kosovo-Serbia relations are not improving despite the ongoing dialogue process, we express our deep concern for the deterioration of the situation on the ground and in the daily lives of citizens. There is a need to safeguard and protect the human rights of minority groups ...

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  • 19243586_10213467359747305_2024054381_o.jpgDate start 16.06.2017.

    Environmental protection laws in Kosovo progressive but not implemented

    Even though the legal framework on environmental protection in Kosovo is progressive, there is no law with more than 15 percent enforcement, and not even one percent of the Government of Kosovo’s total budget is allocated for this area. Accumulated problems must be addressed systematically, which is a general conclusion of the conference in Pris...

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