  • Project start: 06.2010. - Project end: 06.2011.FinishedProject

    Technical Assistance to Local Self-Government Reform in Montenegro

    The main objective of the European Commission-funded project EuropeAid/128307/C/SER/ME, entitled “Technical Assistance to Local Self Government Reform in Montenegro”, was to improve the absorption capacity of EC funds for local economic development by Montenegrin municipalities through better identification, development and management of priority municipal investments, in line with EU best practice

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  • Project start: 03.2010. - Project end: 05.2010.FinishedProject

    Training of Local Stakeholders in Applying for and Managing EU/IPA Funds in Montenegro and BiH

    The GTZ Open Regional Fund in Montenegro contracted InTER to provide technical assistance in the field of PCM and proposal writing to representatives of the public and private sector from two bordering municipalities: Foča in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Plužine in Montenegro.

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  • Project start: 12.2009. - Project end: 01.2010.FinishedProject

    Technical Assistance to the Annual Planning Process in Four Clusters in Serbia

    GTZ WBF contracted InTER’s experts to provide technical expertise in developing action plans for 2010 for four clusters that were institutionally supported by GTZ (AC Serbia, IT Cluster Serbia, MTD Forum and Dom Dizajna).

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  • Project start: 01.2008. - Project end: 12.2008.FinishedProject

    LED Strategic Planning in Bar Municipality

    The Municipality of Bar (Montenegro) and SNV Netherlands initiated a process of strategic planning in local economic development, in which InTER was invited to provide technical assistance...

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