Strategic Framework for the Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and Entrepreneurship in the Municipality of Bački Petrovac

Date start: 03.08.2012.
Strateski_okvir.jpg In cooperation with the Municipality of Bački Petrovac and the NGO "Academy of Female Entrepreneurship" InTER participated in the development of the Strategic Framework for the Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and Entrepreneurship in the Municipality of Bački Petrovac. Strategic Framework was developed within the Project "Empowering local government in supporting business incubation in Bački Petrovac Municipality" funded within the EU Exchange 3 Programme. Strategic Framework is not a separate document but an upgrade to the existing Strategic Development Plan of the Municipality of Bački Petrovac 2010 - 2014. Strategic Framework was developed between July 2011 and April 2012.