Active projects
- 01.2025. - 01.2029.Center of Excellence for Civic Participation in Local and Regional Development in Serbia
- 11.2024. - 05.2025.Participatory management of tourist attractions in Serbia
Active researches
Active evaluations
Date start 28.11.2011.Magazines
Decentralisation and Local Development in the Western Balkans: convergences and divergences among different contexts
This report is the second in a series realised as part of the SeeNet Programme by a research network coordinated by CeSPI (Italy) and composed of seven research organisations from South East Europe, including InTER. The report focuses on decentralisation and local development, with a particular emphasis on governance in Vojvodina. The analysis was conducted from a multi-level perspective, taking into consideration local, other sub-national, national, European, and other international levels. It also adopts a multi-stakeholder perspective.
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ICT in Serbia - At a Glance
The study presents an overview of the ICT sector in Serbia, designed to serve as a tool for policy makers, business support organisations, international development organisations, individual companies and other parties interested in the topic. The Study is structured into six thematic fields: 1. Statistical Overview of the Serbian ICT sector, 2. General Business Environment, 3. Education and Human Recourses Development, 4. Research and Development, 5. Networking and Cooperation and 6. Current Situations, Trends and Potentials. The Study also provided a SWOT Analysis of the ICT Sector in Serbia and Conclusions with main findings and recommendations. Stakeholder analysis of key players in ICT sector in Serbia is provided as an annex. The Study has been published by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Program for Private Sector Development in Serbia ACCESS and Vojvodina ICT Cluster in January 2011.
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Cross-Border Development Concept Foča (BiH) - Plužine (Montenegro)
The publication represents a Concept for Cross-Border Development of two municipalities Foča from Bosnia and Hercegovina and Plužine from Montenegro. It is a baseline document that provides an overview of the potential for cross-border cooperation, accompanied by practical recommendations to local authorities of the two municipalities, as well as public and private sector representatives, civil society activists and professionals from international development cooperation agencies. The Concept has been developed by InTER under the auspices of the GIZ Open Regional Fund project on Cross-Border Economic Development of Montenegro and Bosnia-Herzegovina and it should be published in April 2011.
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An Overview on Governance for Local Development in SEENET Territories
The publication is the first report of a series realised within the SeeNet Programme by a research network coordinated by CeSPI and composed by seven research organisations from South East Europe. The report is published in December 2010. The unit of analysis of the research is the territory. Seven territories in South East Europe have been selected for the Research, each being assigned by one research organisation. Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER) has been selected on a competitive ground to conduct research activities in Vojvodina, which is the territory of concern from Serbia. InTER’s Research in Vojvodina has been covering the topic of Local Productive Systems and it is given on pages 251-277.
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Resource center
- 08.07.2016.InTER Newsletter 16 Eng
- 20.05.2016.InTER Newsletter 16