
  • New_Picture.jpgDate start 16.10.2015.Strategies

    Survey Results for Tourism in Ibarski Kolašin / Kollashini i Ibrit

    A Research is published on tourism development in Ibarski Kolasin (Zubin Potok) carried out by the Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER), in cooperation with Outdoor In. The research shows the analysis of preferences of tourists visiting Ibarski Kolasin searching for attractions for active tourism. The research was published in Serbian, Albanian and English language, and translation and printing of the publication were financed by the Swiss project PPSE/Swisscontact.

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  • Ibar_Lepenac_SER_cover.jpgDate start 29.05.2015.Policy papers

    Policy brief: Implementation of the new paradigm for sustainable development of the flooded areas in the search for a final solution for the status of the hydrosystem “Ibar-Lepenac”

    In the last months, Gazivode Reservoir, i.e. the hydrosystem “Ibar-Lepenac” has been in the public focus because of the dispute between Serbian and Kosovo’s governments about the ownership and rights for the management of this resource. Due to the importance of this issue, Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER) has developed a document with proposed solution for this sensitive issue that is delivered to the negotiating sides within the Brussels process. As a part of solution, InTER proposes implementation of a new paradigm of the World Bank for sustainable development of territories that suffered losses due to the construction of the hydrosystem, which includes sharing of benefits generated from the use of this resource between different government levels. In accordance with this principle, the document proposes sharing of revenues from the use of the hydrosystem “Ibar-Lepenac” between the central level of government in Kosovo and local self-governments that suffered losses from the construction of the hydrosystem – primarily the municipalities of Zubin Potok, Tutin and Novi Pazar, as well as other municipalities in Kosovo which are transits for the system of irrigation channels. A part of revenues would be paid to the budget of the Association/Community of Serb-majority Municipalities in Kosovo in order to ensure sustainability of that institution. The document also provides a solution for preservation of energy stability for the municipalities in the north of Kosovo, as well as privatization or recapitalization of the hydrosystem "Ibar-Lepenac" in order to increase the efficiency of that company. In accordance with the proposals from this documen, Gazivode Reservoir should also be treated as an economic, tourism and agricultural resource of special importance for the development of municipalities where it is located. In the following days, InTER will organize a series of meetings and round tables in Belgrade, Pristina and in the north of Kosovo in order to explain the solutions proposed in the document more closely.

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  • PB_Environment.jpgDate start 02.12.2014.Policy papers

    Environmental protection and communal waste management

    Environmental protection and communal waste management are some of the biggest challenges in the negotiation process for EU membership. Five years after the adoption of the Strategy for Waste Management 2010-2019, only seven out of planned 26 regional centres for communal waste disposal operate in Serbia. Is this an indicator that environment issues are rather low on the Government’s priority list, even though its significance has been confirmed several times in the context of pre-accession negotiations between Serbia and the EU? IS it enough to prepare an (announced) revision of the Strategy and reduce the number of planned regional centres in order to regulate the field of waste management in a proper way? Or are there better ways to fulfil the goals defined in the Strategy? In this policy brief we analysed the results of policies in the field of environmental protection and communal waste management and drawn the key recommendations for the following period.

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  • LER_17.jpgDate start 12.11.2014.Policy papers

    Policy Paper "Achievements of local economic development initiatives in Serbia: Area-based development approach versus sectoral/issue-based development approach"

    After a decade since the beginning of intensive implementation of the variety of local economic development (LED) practices in Serbia there is certainly a need for analyses of their achievements. And while independent project evaluations tell us that LED projects implemented in Serbia usually achieve their expected results, measured in terms of project outputs, we don’t know much about achievement of long-lasting transformations. Nonetheless, all development actors agree that sustainability and achievement of long-lasting transformations is the main goal of LED projects. This paper, in fact, will analyse two main families of development approaches implemented in Serbia, Area-Based Development approach (ABD) and sectoral/issue-based approach. In examining the long-lasting transformations induced by those two types of LED initiatives, this study will focus on two indicators: administrative capacities of local governments and participatory policy making and planning. It will therefore try to answer the following questions: Does ABD approach, when compared to sector/issue approach, prove to be better in terms of improved administrative capacities of local governments and participatory policy making?

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